One thing is certain. Certainty is an illusion.
Most of us go through life as if every day will go as expected. Go to work. Come home. Hit the gym. Eat dinner. Watch tv or read a book. On schedule. On time. Check off tasks on our To Do list. Get ready to do it all over again tomorrow. We live in this certainty until something knocks us right off our feet.
Remember the longest 35 days of 2018-2019? Probably not. Unless you work for the government. It was the longest federal government shutdown on record. For decades, government workers were led to believe their jobs were the most secure in the world…certain…until that stalemate between Donald Trump and Congress over funding. Many were furloughed. Agencies were shut. Air traffic controllers were endangered every day and called for its end. Public workers were awoke.
It happened to us in 2000 when we thought our election process was intact. We discovered through a Supreme Court ruling that “hanging chads” made our votes uncertain. We discovered this again in 2016 when the electoral college showed us who really makes the election decision.
We were challenged on September 11, 2001. We awoke to the reality that our nation’s security was fragile, and so were we.
Now here we stand today facing a pandemic that brings to light our mortality and our underlying health issues. Death has been a hidden part of our lives⏤a discussion we simply don’t have. It’s as though we fear talking about it will make it happen. That’s simply not true.
But death is certain. It is the outcome of every life. Now we are given the opportunity to awaken to the need to not only care for ourselves in a new way, but also to take care of our end-of-life responsibilities and our own legacies. This is especially true if you have children, pets, or dependants of any kind. So what are you going to do today to ensure your loved ones have the details and instructions needed when you pass?
Epilogue Tributes offers a full catalog of services, including end of life planning documents and consulting, assisting loved ones with virtual services, and helping with plans for your own, future end of life celebration. We will even help you honor Fido. If you don’t know where to begin in the death positive discussion, contact us for concierge assistance.