In strange times like these, humans try to find some type of normalcy in their lives. Saturday Night Live comedians took to their sketch comedy show this weekend and aired via Zoom. Musicians are hosting concerts online. And numerous organizations have turned to virtual gatherings, as have families—like mine.
During this time of isolation and uncertainty, now more than ever, we all must confront life—and death—with an entirely new awareness. In normal times, few of us want to dwell on our own mortality and grief. These are not normal times. There is nothing like a global pandemic to scare us right into reality.
I recently started training for End of Life Doula care to complement my services. I participated in a call with dozens of these special caretakers and the one topic that stood out was that everybody is now fully aware how fragile life truly is. These doulas have spent the better part of the last decade trying to convey the message that preparing for death is essential…and finally the masses understand.
Support your loved ones now by preparing a few end of life documents. These help everyone, especially family, reduce unnecessary suffering. Experts recommend a will, living revocable trust, financial power of attorney, advanced medical directive and durable power of attorney. We created our trust years ago with a local estate planning law firm, which includes all these documents. However, for something quick and easy, and good in all 50 states, try either Suze Orman’s Will & Trust Kit or Legal Zoom.
Regarding your personalized memorial service, I highly recommend preparing your own plan for your celebration. Who knows better than you how you want to be remembered? I am preparing event production guides and other forms to assist with the end of life planning.
Humans are addicted to certainty, yet COVID19 has highlighted how much uncertainty we truly exist within. Once you know something, you can’t un-know it. You can no longer say you don’t know what the consequences of not being prepared brings. So be prepared.
Reclaiming your end of life planning is one area of your life you DO have control over. Tragic as this global crises is, death is not macabre. It is the essence of life and why we should embrace every moment.