The power of stories and the power of music. These are two things I firmly believe in to heal the human spirit. The arts literally saved this introvert growing up, so I know precisely where my need comes from to include it in all I do, especially Celebrations of Life. Music is affirming.
Ever since I can remember, my mother has expressed her desire for a good old fashioned New Orleans jazz funeral. It’s funny because I wouldn’t associate jazz music to my mom, so it has to be the joy it brings to mourners. We are a family that likes to experience joy! Note, she’s also requested Barry White music; good choices, Mom.
I too thoroughly enjoy a second line, which got me curious how this tradition started.
Jazz funerals and second line parades
by Matt Sakakeeny
Though funerals would seem an unlikely source for such a festive tradition, the jazz funeral celebrates life at the moment of death—a concept common among many cultures until the twentieth century. In New Orleans and elsewhere, Europeans and Anglo- Americans attended funerals with music that featured a brass band playing “solemn music on the way to the grave and happy music on the return.” There is also a history of rejoicing at death through music in West African burial traditions.
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